Welcome to my shack. The decal on the door is the creation of my XYL, who is handy with such things.

Here’s my operating position, with labels. Below are images of the complete build.

The desk is made of 2×6 boards, built into the wall of my small home office. My diploma rests unceremoniously on the floor.

The wall opposite the desk is now outlined in pencil, marking where I will build the floating bookshelves.

The walls are now painted gray. The cleats are secured to the studs.

Meanwhile, I’ve bored a hole through my exterior wall, which was somewhat frightening. The outlet on the left was custom installed by an electrician, with a dedicated 20-amp breaker shared by no other outlet in the house.

A junction box will be attached to the hole on the outside. I’ve modified this one to accept my coax.

The box is now fastened in place. My HF coax is Messi & Paoloni Ultraflex 10, while the 2M/70CM antenna is fed with LMR400. Both are connected to lightning arrestors. The copper strap is bonded to the bus bar on my desk. The #6 wire goes straight down to the earth.

Here’s what an 8-foot copper rod looks like midway on its journey into the ground.

Everything is grounded properly, and the copper rod is in turn bonded to the rod at my house’s utility panel.

Here’s the aforementioned bus bar in the process of accepting connections from my equipment.

Ferrite, toroids, bonding straps, and common-mode suppressors . . . a few of my favorite things.

The copper strap leads from the bus bar to this patch panel and makes it way outside to the junction box.

Everything is now finding its proper place.

Acoustic panels installed, and everything up and running.